Monday, July 26, 2010

WikiLeaks: Nothing New Here

When I first heard about the reports released by WikiLeaks, I was shocked as many others were. I figured these reports would tell us things that many of us did not know. However, after reading summaries and a few bits and pieces of it, I have drown this simple conclusion:

There is nothing new here.

If any of you have been following the war for any amount of time, the tings that are revealed here are either common sense or common knowledge. Here are some issues that are revealed which we already know.

1. The Pakistan intelligence agency ISI assisting the insurgency
2. Corruption
3. Bombing strikes turning residents against NATO
4. Increased drone usage.

These are all things that have been discussed ad nauseum for the longest time. The media has been reporting these things. Pundits have argued about them. The Bush and Obama administrations have all brought these to our attention several times.

We know the war has not been going as planned. There are things that need to be fixed. I hear it everyday on national and international news. These reports have demonstrated nothing new. They have just provided stories that flesh out what we already know.

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