Monday, May 17, 2010

Please Let Me Introduce Myself

Hello! Welcome to The Liberal Lion. This is my first political blog. I feel that most of you who read this either know me and do not know my political leanings or have no clue about me. So here we go Enjoy!

My name is Gary W and I am from Baltimore. I am currently in an AmeriCorps program called Public Allies. Public Allies Maryland delivers innovative forms of public service throughout Maryland by providing leadership experiences and training to a diverse group of young future leaders. They place these young leaders in community based organizations and public agencies to build the organization’s capacity to serve their communities better. They also work to mentor those organizations to become stable and sustainable.

My political beliefs fall solidly under the idea of social liberalism. As a liberal, I hold ideas such as free and fair elections, human rights, fair trade, and secularism dear. I also believe that the government should work in order to expand civil rights to all people.

I hold that human life is sacred and valuable. What this means is that I value the individual and the potential they hold within themselves. Thus, things like racism and xenophobia I am against. However, I am pro-choice with abortion. I feel that I cannot allow the government to have that much control over the decision someone makes with their body. I do not know if I was in that situation that I would make the same decision, but I know I cannot make that decision for someone else.

With immigration, I want the border protected but realize that our citizenship path is so burdensome as to make being here illegal very appealing. Also, if we want to stop illegal immigration, we must hit the businesses whom hire illegals. That is the biggest stimulus for people coming illegally. People would not come if there are no available jobs. I cannot blame people for coming if they need to feed their families.

I am for gun control and I want the assault rifle ban put back in place. No one hunts deer with an assault rifle and a hand gun provides more than enough protection.

Gay rights = civil rights. I feel that when government restricts the rights of anyone, that sets a dangerous precedent.

I do not believe that the government should allow the markets to roam free. We have all seen what happens when markets roam free without smart regulation. I believe there should be smart, efficient regulation that does not stifle growth and innovation. Government has to find a way to provide to do that.

I hope to provide my opinion on various current events and political musings. And I hope you as the reader provide great questions/comments. Feel free to poke, prod, and question what I say. Debate is never bad. Lets just be respectful! Let the journey begin!

1 comment:

  1. Debate is bad when your doing it with an idiot....and there are many idiots on the world wide web :-D
